Perhaps you have struggled before with the elusive search for meaning, and wished you had a personal mentor to guide your growth. What if you had the chance to meet one of the greatest masters of Kabbalah and learn ancient proven strategies for self-realization and contentment?
This fall, you’ll have that chance. Soul Maps, investigates Tanya, the fundamental text of Chassidic thought. The course is structured as a six-session consultation with the author of the Tanya, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi.
During each session, you will receive insight into your inner world and you will discover new strategies for overcoming obstacles to change and progress. You’ll learn to resolve guilt, conflict, and confusion, and to traverse life’s journey with joy, purpose, and direction.
For more info here’s a great promo video - please take a moment to watch it:
I’d love for you to join me in the study of this course.
Sundays, 7:00pm (starting February 4th)
Feb 4 | Feb 11 | Feb 18 | Feb 25 | Feb 3 | Feb 10
Course Fee: $60
If you have any financial concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us at rabbi@jewisheugene.org
Become a Partner!
Chabad Jewish Center of Eugene's open door, inclusive spirit, and community outreach is entirely made possible through the generous friends and supporters across the community. There is no charge for this event. If you are in a position to help, please consider a gift to help this continue, stronger and greater! Thank you very much!