We are full. Registration is now closed. Please reach out to rabbi@jewisheugene.org if you have any questions

Passover is near, but look no further! Join us for an exhilarating experience -
where you free yourself from any internal bondage, as we celebrate modern day freedom! 

Enjoy a finest quality kosher brisket dinner, along with familiar tradition, and inspiring insight.

Let us ensure you have a happy and kosher Passover experience!

Passover Seder:
Monday, April 22, 7:45pm
at Chabad House 1400 High Street #C1

Adults: $45 Early Bird (Before April 8) / $54 (After April 8) | Children: FREE | Student: FREE

Nobody will be turned away due to lack of funds. Please contact Rabbi Berel with further questions

Sign up for the Passover Seder here:

ATT Students:
To RSVP for the Seders please text the following codes to the Chabad Bot (5412048989)

First Seder (Monday, 4/22): SEDER1
Second Seder(Thursday, 4/23): SEDER2 (Students only)

Be a Passover Partner!